Today’s Dash

Today is September 11, 2019. Eighteen years ago our world as we knew it forever changed. Terrorist penetrated the safe haven of our land. Lives were lost, loved ones perished and a bitter hate for the enemy seethed across the soil as we as a nation bonded together desperately trying to figure out how it could have happened. Watching and waiting for some kind of explanation from the national news and not receiving anything which gave reason or comfort. Barriers and guards have been put in place, policies have changed, laws created, restrictions enforced, hate infused, and yet an undercurrent of love for our fellow man grew through it all. Our nation came together that day. You might have helped a stranger, bowed your head in prayer, hugged a friend, sat with your family and explained it the best you could to your kid. I remember having to explain it. I remember sitting on the couch in the late afternoon with my seven year old son and watching the news and those towers getting hit over and over….just sitting there in unbelief. He wanted to go outside and play and we wouldn’t let him. We lived far away from the evil destruction but that day the fears were right here at home. Today as you chat with a loved one or friend, make sure they know how much you love them. Pray for them. Pray for your country and its leaders no matter if you agree with them or not. They need the strength from our prayers. There is power in the name of Jesus so lift up our land with His name and word. I believe in the power of prayer. Yes, a lot has changed in these eighteen years. We went from a country free and secure to a country secure to be free. God Bless America.